Uplift Retford

Move your mind, uplift the world.

We've always believed that moving your body is good for your mind. Now, for the first time, you can see the impact of movement on your own mind with Mind Uplifter™ tool.

إن مهمتنا هي بث الطاقة الإيجابية في مليون عقل في جميع أنحاء العالم.​

كل شخص يقوم بمشاركة Mind Uplift يساهم في رسم خريطة World Uplift والتي توضح التأثير الجماعي للحركة على عقول البشر في جميع أنحاء العالم. إننا ندرك ما خلفته الجائحة من آثار سلبية على الصحة النفسية للبشرية، ويعمل مؤشر State of Mind لدى ASICS على تصوير تلك الآثار السلبية بصورة مرئية بحيث تتمكن من إدراك أهمية بث الطاقة الإيجابية الذي تمنحه لعقلك.

Stories of uplifted minds.

Hear from athletes who believe in the positive power of movement on the mind.

Experience the uplifting power of different sports on your own mind with the Mind Uplifter™ tool.​

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The science behind Mind Uplifter™ tool.

ASICS has partnered with world leading experts to develop the Mind Uplifter™ tool and oversee the live research study. Dr Brendon Stubbs from Kings College London will evaluate the impact of movement on minds across the world.


Your movement matters.

We believe movement can help support mental wellbeing. That’s why we are proud to support the important work of mental health charity Mind. Already this year, with your support, we’ve been able to fund valuable research into mental health in elite sport and set up ASICS Get Active Run Clubs across the UK.
Now, every time you use the Mind Uplifter™ tool and share your Mind Uplift with #UpliftingMinds, you’ll be helping to raise funds for Mind.

How does the Mind Uplifter™ tool work?

The Mind Uplifter™ tool uses a combination of facial scanning technology and self-report data collection to capture the impact of sport across 10 emotional and cognitive metrics – including confidence, positivity, calm and focus – to show how different sports impact how you think and feel.

What do the scores mean?

By taking a reading of your emotions and brain function PRE and POST exercise, the different scores show how sport has uplifted your mind across the 10 emotional and cognitive metrics and shows it as a percentage.

How accurate is the Mind Uplifter™ tool?

The Mind Uplifter™ tool is the result of in-depth preliminary scientific research by ASICS alongside Dr Brendon Stubbs to explore the impact of sport on the mind among a select group of athletes using EEG readings and self-report data. The findings of this preliminary study have been applied in a robust and scientifically rigorous manner to enable the rollout of the study on a global scale.

Who created it?

The Mind Uplifter™ tool has been created by ASICS, in collaboration with Dr Stubbs and creative technology studio SolarFlare.

What is the World Uplift Map?

Individual Mind Uplifts from around the world will be visually transformed into a dynamic and interactive World Uplift Map. The map will quantify the positive impact that sport is having on the collective mood of cities, nations and the world as a whole. This will be live from 1st July onwards.

Does it store my data?

The Mind Uplifter™ tool does not store personal data. Results are submitted anonymously. From the 1st July, everyday athletes can choose to sign up to store results over multiple uses in a gallery. For this we will require a username, password and email address. This can be deleted at any time by request.

Which Charity are you supporting when you share your #UpliftingMinds photo?

We are proud to be supporting Mind (Registered charity no. 219830). The money raised will be used to support more people to move for positive mental wellbeing.

What do I need to share to make it count?

We want to see the positive uplift sport and movement have on your mind. So please capture and share