
Daria Abramowicz

Sport & Performance Psychologist


My name is Daria Abramowicz and I’m a sport & performance psychologist. My career started when I was 6 with...sailing. When I was 18 I started to work as I coach and have been doing it for over 10 years. Therefore I have over 25 years of experience in sport and I’m able to look at development, specialization and high performance sport from many perspectives.

I studied sport and recreation in Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport and psychology in SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw. As a sport psychologist I work mostly with high performance sport - with athletes, coaches, parents and managers. I have experience in cooperation with Polish National Cycling Team, Polish National Swimming Team and a lot of professional athletes & teams in many sports and at different levels. Troughout my career I focused on creating and practicing holistic approach to sport, team and athlete which means implementing a<

Mes must have ASICS

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