You too can train like the Blitzbokke, even if you never plan setting foot on a rugby field. And no, you don't need to have a gym membership. 

Here's how:

Go explosive:
Explosive movements are key to get the fast-twitch muscle fibres firing. The Blitzboks use this type of training to simulate the stop-sprint-stop nature of the sevens game. They typically include Clean-and-Jerk sets and squat jumps into their routines. Box jumps are crucial too and these you can do anywhere - like onto your coffee table or a bench at home:
- Stand in front of a plyometric box or solid table or bench. Sink into a classic squat position and launch (with your knees high) onto the box.

Interval sprints
The benefits of interval training – from cycling, to rowing and running – are forever being praised, and with good reason. This type of training is ideal if you're juggling training with a 9-5 job - high intensity, high outcome, short time… If you can get to a treadmill run on that, alternatively anywhere where you would normally run would suffice: After a 10 minute light warm up jog, sprint for 15sec, then rest for 30sec. Repeat that 10 times. Don’t forget to breathe

Tricep dips work your arms, upper body and core - what the Blitzboks need to break through tackles and stay upright on a run. Position yourself in a face-up lying position with your hands on a bench behind you. Place your heels on a solid chair or bench (slightly lower than what your hands are on) so that your legs are straight. Lower yourself by bending your elbows until your upper arms are perpendicular to the floor. Push back up explosively. To take this to the next level, use an exercise ball for a foot rest.

After the dips are done, it’s time for the ultimate in home DIY core and stomach exercise - the humble plank. Get into pushup position on the floor but with your elbows bent 90° and you resting your on your forearms. (Ideal form is when your elbows are directly beneath your shoulders). Your body now forms a straight line (ie plank). Hold for 90 seconds, rest for 30. Repeat up to 5 times.

Eat yourself tough
The Blitzbokke eat a diet heigh in protein, good fats, veggies and carbs.
Tuned in A proper playlist goes a long way to aiding motivation, and to get you through the tough parts. We know many a player who has a playlist labelled ‘intervals’ - it ain’t chill… In additional, research has shown that listening to the same songs when doing the same activities helps keep you focused and makes you push yourself that little bit further.

Sleep well
Pros have the luxury of having nap times written into their training and recovery programmes. You don’t have that luxury, but know this: sleep is the number one form of recovery and therefore almost more important than your training.  Aim to get 8-10 hours of each night – and ideally be in bed before 11pm to allow for optimal hormonal release.

Now you too can be ready for the World Cup.