"I just train harder and I lift my work ethic." That is how new ASICS rugby ambassador Elton Jantjies handles pressure. "I’m a ‘next job’ kind of player," he says. "I’m not a guy who dwells on mistakes or the past. I play fearless rugby and I don’t play with regrets - in a moment if I see an opportunity I take it. And, if I didn’t take it, or, it didn't work out, next time my opportunity will come and I will do it again. Until it works..."

Jantjies,  made his Test debut in 2012 and has since played 33 Tests is regarded as one of the world’s most promising flyhalves.


Being a #10 obviously comes with added pressures, but Jantjies takes these all in his stride. "I like pressure," he says, explaining that there are various kinds.


"You can put pressure on yourself in terms of performance. Then there is pressure from an expectation point on view - expectations from your teammates and your coaches. Perhaps this biggest pressure though comes externally - from the media and fans. They expect this from you and that, because of how you performed, in say, the previous season and now how you need to perform this year."

I like that... I feed off that and it pushes me to play better.