110 metres - the distance a top player runs on average per minute

1.8 kilometres - the average distance a player will cover in a game

224 - the number of tries Seabelo Senatla has scored in the HSBC World Series to date (he is currently ranked fourth)

1430 - the number of points Cecil Africa has scored in his career so far. (Fifth on the all-time list)

17 028 - total number of points scored so far in the HSBC World Series for the 2018/19 season so far.

2715 - the number of tries scored in the series so far.

12 - 14 - the number of players (including substitutions) in a Sevens team

24 - the number of men’s teams in the Rugby World Cup Sevens. It also features 16 women’s international teams and is the seventh edition of the showcase event, which was first held in Scotland in 1993.

3 - the number of forwards in a Sevens team - with two props and a hooker playing forwards. The other four are backs - a scrum-half, fly-half, center and two wings.