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Sound Mind, Sound Body Series: Courtney Bragg

Dec 15, 2022
Weekly Meal Prep Low Calorie

For Courtney Bragg, running has been a reliable form of contemplation where she can process her thoughts and clear her mind. “I have always felt running has given me a mental break from day-to-day life, kept me driven and given me clarity. To me, the feeling after a run is truly unmatched by any other type of physical activity.”

Plagued with an injury recently, Courtney tried to avoid being forced to call time on her favourite form of exercise. To not be able to run was a prospect she hadn’t faced before and one she didn’t see coming.

With the Auckland Marathon looming on the horizon and plans to run the 11km Traverse, Courtney tried to soldier through the pain. But it was pushing through and not taking the time to recover that only made the situation worse. “Recovering from this injury has been a big hurdle for me on my running journey. I’ve had to learn to slow down and really listen to my body. Recovery is just as important, if not more important than running itself.”

In light of being unable to run we wondered if Courtney had been feeling any recognisable differences in her health and wellbeing. Read on to learn the impacts she felt after taking time off from her running routine.

Anxiety In the Absence of Running

It’s not until she was forced to take a break after being sidelined from a nagging injury that Courtney had the realisation of how it felt to not have running as an outlet. “I noticed a huge difference in my overall mood and well-being while not being able to run. I’ve struggled with anxiety for many years and for me, running is the number one thing that relieves stress and eases my mind.”

Without running as an option, Courtney realised she needed to find other alternatives. “For a while, I struggled to find a good balance of calm and mental clarity without running. I instantly noticed my mood feeling low, energy levels deteriorating and an overall loss of confidence within myself. To battle this, I added a lot of low-impact activities into my routine, including walking, yoga and stretching. Plus, regular acupuncture and meditation were vital for me.”

Courtney Bragg Shares Her Running Journey

One of the main ways running positively impacts anxiety is through the release of endorphins which are chemicals produced by the body that act as natural painkillers and mood enhancers. When we run, our bodies release these endorphins, which can help to reduce feelings of anxiety and improve overall mood.

It’s major thanks to this process that running can be a powerful tool for managing anxiety. Going for a run is also great for providing a form of meditation and mindfulness. When we run, we are often focused on the present moment and our breath. This can help to quiet the mind and reduce anxious thoughts.

A Noticeable Difference

After taking a few months to rest and recover, Courtney was eager to get back to her running routine. “I’m so grateful to be back running again. I’ve been feeling so much happier, energised and motivated. It has been a bit of a battle post-injury building up my strength and cardio fitness again. But every week I am noticing improvements and I have so much gratitude for my body's ability to heal and push forward. I am also kind of in awe of my fitness level post-injury. Being injured has really put into perspective how far I’ve grown on my running journey and I am now very motivated to rebuild my fitness and continue on with this journey.

It didn’t take long once Courtney could get back to running to recognise how it helped her in the day-to-day. “I truly believe running has had an incredible impact on all areas of my life. Running relieves my daily stressors, clears my head and boosts my overall mood. Running also brings me a sense of achievement and keeps me motivated in other areas of my life. I am constantly noticing improvements in my running when I stay consistent and I know if I apply this philosophy to other areas of my life it will have the same impact. In a way, I think running has helped rewire my brain to know I can achieve anything I put my mind to.”

Courtney’s Advice for Other Runners

  1. Just get out there. Some days it is so hard to get out there and run. But I always know that I will feel so much better for it, both physically and mentally. You’ll never regret completing a run and I always remind myself that when I’m feeling a bit unmotivated.
  2. Join a running community. This year I joined a few community run clubs which has really helped me to stay motivated and added so much fun back into running. I would recommend joining a local community group to anyone who is struggling to stay motivated. Adding a social aspect to running makes the exercise much more exciting and easy to commit to.
  3. Start small. You can achieve a lot more than you think you can. Start small, and take it at your own pace. If you’re consistent, you’ll be amazed at how fast you can improve.

Running Go-To’s

Running and Mental Health with Courtney Bragg

Morning, lunchtime, evening runner?
Evening runner!

Favourite post-run snack / meal?
A green smoothie. Running always makes me crave something healthy and fresh.

Outside of your shoes, what’s one running essential you can’t go without?
Headphones. Nothing motivates me more than music.

Best piece of running advice you’ve ever received?
This sounds very straight forward but - invest in a good pair of shoes! Honestly, it will make a world of difference.

Running Solo or Running in a group?
In a group.

Music, Podcast, or your own thoughts? What are they?
Definitely music. I love something upbeat, usually rap music.

In 3 words how would you describe yourself as a runner?
Energised, motivated, peaceful

Favourite running route in NZ?
This is a hard one to answer! Urupukapuka Island, Bay of Islands

Running distance a week?
10 to 20km, I tend to go for a couple runs a week ranging from 4 to 10km each.

I run because….
It brings me mental clarity, strength and motivation.

Where does your mind tend to wander while running?
All over the place… and I let it! Running is the best way to get my mind in order and process all the random thoughts floating around my head.

What’s your #1 way of maintaining a sound mind?
Doing things that I enjoy keeps me calm and make me feel balanced.

Favourite ASICS shoe?
GEL-NIMBUS 24 for every day runs and then the METASPEED EDGE for when I’m feeling like pushing myself and running a bit faster than usual.

When Courtney isn’t running she’s found designing and sourcing artwork along with objects for her homewares business, Pompeii Home. Or she’s plotting where her next overseas travels will take her.

You can follow along with Courtney for more inspiration to keep running along with a look into her beautiful style.

To learn more on how running positively affects anxiety and its role in mental health check out our article about Running and the Brain.

Interested in learning more about running? Visit our Knowledge Base where you’ll find resources on an array of topics for runners - from how to get started and mapping out a training plan, to discovering how to pick the right running shoes for you.