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How to Support Your Runner Through Marathon Training and Race Day

APR. 14, 2022
Whether you've been running for years or you're fairly new at it, training for a marathon is no easy task.
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While a runner does much of the work themselves, having a great support system can help make the difference from the time they start training until the day they finish the race. If you have a friend or family member who is planning to run a marathon, there are many ways you can help support them through their training and on the big day.

Respect Their Schedule

One of the biggest things you can do for your runner is respect their training schedule. Training for a marathon can be grueling, but it's necessary. That means they'll likely have to take some time away from their normal day-to-day responsibilities. If it's your partner, spouse, or someone in your household, volunteer to take over some of their chores during their training period. Don't get upset if they're late for dinner. Don't make them feel guilty if they can't help get the kids ready for school or take the trash out for a few weeks.

Ask Questions and Be a Good Listener

Another great way to support your runner that doesn't require much effort on your part is to be a good listener. Running a marathon is exciting, and the person preparing for it may very well talk your head off about it. Let them. After all, this is a huge accomplishment. If they're excitedly telling you about how well they did, listen. If they're venting on days they don't feel so positive, listen. Give them a pep talk when they're feeling down. And be sure to ask questions too. Regularly ask if you can do anything to help.

Two people meal prepping

What you eat and drink after running is important, especially when training for a marathon. You need to replace the nutrients you lost, as well as eat the right proteins and carbs to help your muscles recover. You also need to hydrate. Having a healthy meal and beverage ready for your runner after their training can be a big help. If your runner lives in your household, consider discussing what types of meals would be best for them during their training and preparing those for the entire family.

Help Them With Recovery During Training

There are other ways you can help with recovery besides cooking a healthy meal or preparing a hydrating beverage. You can:

  • Offer a massage if it's someone you're comfortable enough with

  • Prepare a hot or cold bath for them, depending on how they like to recover

  • Create a quiet environment, so they can rest or sleep

  • Get any recovery equipment, like a roller or massager, together for them


Buy Them a Marathon Gift

Consider buying your runner a gift for the big day. This could be something like a new pair of sunglasses or their favorite ASICS running socks. You could also put together a marathon care package. It might include items like snacks, drinks, sunscreen, a change of clothes, and first aid equipment they might need.

Cheer Them On

Attend the marathon in person, and position yourself in a place where your runner can see you. When they do, cheer them on. Make posters. Make noise. Bring friends and family along, and create an entire cheering section. Wear brightly-colored clothing or matching T-shirts — something that makes you stand out. It could be the pick-me-up your runner needs to finish the race. Take pictures or video if they ask you to and even if they don't.

Runner and Dog

Offer to Lend a Hand on the Big Day

If you aren't attending the race, offer to lend a hand in other ways. Maybe you can offer to babysit the runner's kids or walk their dog. Offer to run errands or bring dinner over afterwards. You can do this during training too. Essentially, find a way to make their life a little easier, so they can focus on the task at hand.

Celebrate Together

Once it's all over, celebrate your runner, no matter what. Even attempting a marathon takes a lot of guts and hard work. Go out to dinner. Throw a party. Go out of town for a few days. Do something fun. Pamper them for a day. Be present. Again, listen to them vent or talk about how exciting it was. Just let them know how proud you are of them for taking on such a big goal and going for it.