
15:09 Uplift Challenge

New research shows that 15:09 minutes could be all it takes to uplift your mind. So, this June, we’re hoping to inspire more people to move.

The 15:09 Uplift Challenge starts in June.

Our challenge kicks off on Global Running Day on 1 June and runs until the end of the month. Lace up your shoes and move with us to uplift the world.

  1. Track your movement for 15:09 minutes with the Runkeeper app
  2. Share how you moved on social
  3. Use #LiveUplifted to inspire others

A challenge inspired by research.

People think that 30 minutes of exercise is the minimum amount required to experience uplift, but ASICS research shows that 15:09 minutes could be all it takes.

Want more? 

Working with one of the world's leading mental health researchers, we've developed an 8-week programme that's been scientifically proven to improve mental wellbeing, lower anxiety, and boost mood. Each 30-min session incorporates running or walking, along with other simple techniques to help you feel better. 

ASICS Movement for Mind is open to everyone, no matter your fitness level.