Always In Motion

Motion is the act of constantly evolving, building on the timeless elements, innovating relentlessly and moving forward in a way that uplifts the mind and unleashes our intrinsically positive energy.

Majid Jordan, Ian Eastwood and Bambi come together to explore movement in three different forms: dance, art and music.

Bambi Visual Artist


Ian Eastwood Choreographer


Majid Jordan Music Artist


Relentless Innovation Desktop

Japanese innovation is in our DNA, and we constantly pursue the power of possibility. This means persisting until something new or fresh is created. Dancer, choreographer and director, Ian Eastwood blends his dance influences together to create something new.

Timeless Legacy Desktop

We embrace our Japanese values and established history. We are inspired by our past to create tomorrow’s classics. Bambi is a visual artist. In ‘Always in Motion’, Bambi borrows inspiration from nature to create realistic and abstract textures.

Intrinsic Positivity Desktop

From how we make our product for comfort, to how we present ourselves to the world. It is always done with an uplifting mentality. Music artists Majid Jordan re-interpret their song to positively impact people through their work.