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Ice Baths and the Post Run Benefits

Ice Baths and the Post Run Benefits

Nov 29, 2023 Cold water immersion or cold hydrotherapy has been around for a long time. The technique has been used by the Spartans, in the military, and by professional athletes alike as a recovery technique and mental exercise. This is generally the practice of getting in a body of water 10 to 15 degrees Celsius post-workout for 10 to 15 minutes. Here are a few benefits of ice baths for after running.
Slowing Cognitive Decline Through Running

Slowing Cognitive Decline Through Running

Jul 14, 2020 Our minds are miraculously resilient, continually working to expand their capacity, and ward off cognitive decline. To nurture this process takes establishing healthy habits; consuming certain foods and beverages is one way, but the most important means of supporting the brain is by incorporating neuroactive exercise. This is the kind of heart pumping, muscle challenging, movement that requires the brain’s full attention.