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Tips for New Runners

Half Marathon Training Plan

SEP. 09, 2021 Running a half marathon is a rewarding experience that requires some important preparation. Find your detailed half marathon training plan here.
Health & Wellness

Running to Lose Weight

JUL. 29, 2021 Running backed with a healthy diet is a great way to burn body fat. Here's some tips on how to do it, along with advice for creating your running plan.
Training to Workouts

Warm-Up Guide

JUN. 24, 2021 You may be tempted to jump right on the treadmill or load up the barbell, especially when you're pressed for time. After all, what can it hurt to skip a warm-up?
Training to Workouts

10 Tips For Playing Tennis In The Heat

MAY. 27, 2021 Hot weather can quickly sap away your regular performance levels – your legs start feeling heavier and each one of your shots is hit with less power.
Gear Guide: Clothing

Running at Night (How to Dress for Your Night Run)

MAY. 20, 2021 One of the great things about running is that it can be done just about anywhere and at the time that's most convenient for you. While many people like to start their day with a run, others prefer to get their run in after dark.
Live Uplifted

What is Sound Mind, Sound Body™ | ASICS Singapore

APR. 15, 2021 Sound Mind, Sound Body™ is the belief that every time we push our bodies, sweat, and run out of breath—we get happier.
Gear Guide: Clothing

Socks: The Underrated Running Accessory

MAR. 18, 2021 Shoes are the first thing that people think of when they’re outfitting themselves for a run.
Gear Guide: Clothing

Ways to Tie Your Laces

MAR. 18, 2021 Foot comfort is vital when running, and the way you lace your shoes can make a big difference.
Health & Wellness

How to Improve Your Running Posture

NOV. 29, 2017 The upper body is often forgotten by runners. But it plays a big role in running and good running posture can make all the difference when you’re racking up miles.
Tips for Advanced Runners

4 Ways to Mentally Prepare for a Game or Race

NOV. 15, 2016 Find out how you can mentally train for you next athletic performance. Visit the ASICS blog to learn more about mental preparation in sports