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Sprint Training for Indoor Track Runners

Sprint Training for Indoor Track Runners

February 23, 2024

​​Sprint training is an interval workout that has you running at your max speed (or close to it) for a short period of time, followed by a rest period. It's considered to be a good workout for runners, even distance runners, but it can also be a great exercise for other types of athletes looking to improve their performances, as well as people who want to get healthier  


Whether you're on an indoor track team or you just like to run for your own personal fitness, an indoor track can be a great place for sprint training. ​It's usually safer, especially for beginners, and it keeps you out of the elements and away from traffic and other hazards. Indoor surfaces can also be easier on your joints.  


W​​hether you're a professional athlete or a novice, s​​print training, in general, also offers numerous benefits, no matter where you do it. It can help you improve your speed, but it can also have a positive impact on your health.  

ASICS Sprint Training

Benefits of sprint training 

Why try sprint training? There are numerous benefits, whether you're just starting an exercise program or you've been an athlete all your life. Keep in mind that benefits vary from person to person, but some advantages to adding sprint training to your workout routine can include:


  • Cardiovascular benefits and improved heart health 

  • Metabolic improvements to burn more calories and promote fat loss 

  • Preservation of muscle mass and improved bone density 

  • Increased endorphins and mood stabilization  

ASICS Sprint Training

Start with a warm-up


Before you begin any type of sprint training workout, you'll want to do a warm-up to prepare your body. This can help improve your performance, prevent injury, increase your blood flow, and loosen up your joints.  

​​​Dynamic stretches that focus on your lower body are a great place to start. Speed walking or a light jog are also great warm-up activities for sprint training. ​Aim for 10 to 15 minutes. You may also want to add some squats and lunges to ensure you're flexible and warmed up for sprinting.  

Sprint training for beginners 


If you're new to sprint training or you aren't a runner, you'll want to start with a workout for beginners. When you start, you'll typically want to do 8 to 10 rounds or 20 minutes' worth of intervals. A 30-second sprint in which you run as fast as you can with a 75-second rest period is one option. During the rest period, walk fast or jog lightly as you did during your warm-up.  


You may also want to consider a ladder drill. This is when you start with shorter sprint and rest intervals, work your way up to higher ones, and then work your way back down to where you started, as if you're climbing up and down a ladder. For example, you might:  


  • Sprint: 10 seconds,  Jog or walk: 50 seconds   

  • Sprint: 15 seconds,  Jog or walk:  75 seconds  

  • Sprint: 20 seconds,  Jog or walk: 100 seconds 

  • Sprint: 25 seconds,  Jog or walk: 125 seconds  

  • Sprint: 20 seconds,  Jog or walk: 100 seconds  

  • Sprint: 15 seconds,  Jog or walk: 75 seconds  

  • Sprint: 10 seconds,  Jog or walk: 50 seconds    

Sprint training for advanced runners  


As you advance, usually after a few weeks, you can increase your workout to meet your fitness level. You can do this by increasing the intensity of your sprints or increasing the number of rounds of sprint and rest intervals you do. You might also try a descending sprint training workout, such as: 


  • ​​Sprint: 60 seconds at 75 percent max effort, Jog or walk: 60 seconds   
  • Sprint: 45 seconds at 85 percent max effort, Jog or walk: 60 seconds   
  • Sprint: 20 seconds at 95 percent max effort, Jog or walk: 120 seconds   


As you advance even further, you might consider adding resistance, such as running up hills, either outdoors or on a treadmill set at an incline.   

Cool down

​​When you finish your sprint and rest intervals, it's best to cool down rather than hit the shower. About five minutes of light jogging or brisk walking is a good way to do that. Finish with some light stretches. Cooling down can prevent lactic acid from building up, blood from pooling, and stress-induced injuries. It helps your body return to its pre-exercise state.  

How often should you do sprint training? 


Sprint training is not something you should do every day. Your body needs time to recover from each workout. Consider sprint training two to three days a week. On the off days, you can rest, do light exercises, complete your distance running, or do other parts of your training or fitness regime. 


Sprint training precautions  

It's important to remember that exercise does not take a one-size-fits-all approach, so no matter your fitness level, it’s always important to consult with your physician before beginning any new fitness routine or modifying your existing workout regimen. ​Once you and your doctor have decided that sprint training is right for you, it’s important to ease into your new routine, particularly if you are new to running or have not been doing so with consistency. Take care to establish some sort of base fitness level so that you may begin at the appropriate level. It’s important to make sure that you don't start out with workouts that are too hard or too intense, so it’s a good idea to have at least four weeks of exercise under your belt before you begin to adjust your program intensity. It is equally important to remember to always work in an appropriate amount of rest into your routine. Not taking the appropriate amount of time to rest can not only negate the benefits of your workout but can also cause injury or discouragement.   


​​Don't skip your warm-up and cool-down. Also, make sure you stay hydrated before, during, and after your workout. Make sure you have a good pair of comfortable ASICS running shoes, too.  

Please note: The information contained herein is for informational purposes only and does not contain or constitute medical advice or a medical opinion. Always consult with your qualified and licensed medical professional prior to beginning or modifying any diet or exercise program. 

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