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reasons to run a marathon

Reasons to Run a Marathon

September 15, 2022 / ASICS Australia

Why do people run marathons?

Participating in a race like a marathon can challenge a runner’s physical and mental capabilities. From the months spent training your body to endure long distance running, to the sacrifice and dedication that are involved, all your hard work will pay off on race day.

“I enjoy the feeling of a job well done, the perseverance and the desire to improve myself during months of training,” said Juan Martin , an ASICS FrontRunner member.

Completing a marathon may seem unachievable, but it can be a goal that boosts confidence in your athletic performance.

What are the different types of marathons?

  • Half marathon. This type of race is 21.1 kilometers long. Typically held on road surfaces, a half marathon can be easier on your body if you’re a beginner.
  • Full marathon. This race is 42.2 kilometers long. Usually this type of marathon is on-road as well but may follow trails at times.
  • Ultra marathon. Any race that is more than 42.2 kilometers falls into this category. This kind of competition can involve obstacles and various types of terrain.

The benefits of marathon running

Along with getting in shape, marathon runners may also see positive effects on their health while preparing for and participating in a marathon.

  • May improve your cardiovascular health. Running is an aerobic exercise, utilising your body’s fatty acids and carbohydrates for energy. Studies show that people who run more often have stronger cardiovascular systems compared to those who are more sedentary.
  • Boost your running endurance. Long-distance running can be physically demanding. By training for and running a marathon, you’re likely to improve your physical capabilities and boost your endurance.
  • Build your self-confidence. Performing in marathons (and running in general) may reduce feelings of stress, anxiety and depression . You can also build confidence by setting goals, persevering and achieving something this difficult.

“The sense of personal achievement is amazing, it really can’t be underestimated and I would encourage everyone to try it,” said Chris Campion , an ASICS FrontRunner member.

7 reasons why you should run a marathon

why run a marathon?

1. Practice setting and achieving goals

Preparing for a marathon requires you to get in a goal-oriented mindset. Marathons take a great amount of discipline to make time for training while maintaining a work-life balance.

“A marathon is a big challenge for me every time, but crossing the finish line [makes it] all worth it,” adds ASICS FrontRunner member, Susan Jans Frandsen .

2. Boost your confidence and self-esteem

Completing a marathon can boost your athletic confidence and motivate you to push further. You may be inspired to run another marathon, or even start to look at the possibility of participating in an ultra marathon.

“I like to get out of my comfort zone, and above all, feel that I’m giving my best,” said Priscila Gonçalves , an ASICS FrontRunner member. “And I’m not just talking about the day of the race, but the 3 months of preparation, especially in the long training sessions.”

3. Overcome challenges

A marathon can be the ultimate test for an athlete no matter their experience.

“[During a marathon,] I'm only with myself and my thoughts. It's a lesson of life. You start full of energy, [but] after a few kilometers, you have to dig deep, just like you need to do when something doesn't go according to your plan,” adds ASICS FrontRunner member, Fábio Lima .

4. Show your support for a charity

You can fulfill your passion for running while supporting charities or other meaningful causes. Some marathons benefit important causes such as mental health awareness or cancer research.

Running a marathon is a great way to show support for a cause you care about. It can also spark feelings of unity among other runners who feel the same way.

5. Build new, long-lasting friendships

A marathon brings all different types of people together. Strangers with a passion for running unite and sometimes become long-time friends. These new relationships may give you the support you need to keep pushing toward the finish line.

6. Improve your mental health

Aerobic exercise such as running can relieve low self-esteem, increase positive mood and improve social interactions . Some runners may experience a sense of euphoria caused by the body’s release of endocannabinoids .

7. Enjoy a sense of accomplishment

Reaching the finish line of a marathon, no matter the distance, can bring a sense of fulfillment and pride.

“I love the marathon because I love preparing for it,” said Natalia Reguiska , an ASICS FrontRunner member. “It’s a long time when I can work on my body and my head, and the marathon’s finish line is the only one in the world. It’s a prize, a million tears, no matter what the result.”

Getting prepped for your first marathon

The benefits of running a long distance race extend beyond just physical health. Participating in a marathon could also benefit your mental health and help you develop healthy habits that stay with you beyond your marathon experience.

Of course, training for a marathon can seem like an overwhelming test of endurance at first. Getting prepared for your first race with a marathon training plan often helps relieve stress.

Please note: This information does not contain or constitute medical advice or a medical opinion, and it is provided for informational purposes only. You should always consult a qualified and licensed medical professional prior to beginning or modifying any diet or exercise program.