A Complete Guide to Stretches for Running

Taking the time to stretch before running can bring you a wealth of benefits. Multiple studies have shown running stretches allow you to move more freely, avoid aches and pains, reduce the risk of injuries and improve your performance -  among many other positive side effects!

There continues to be a debate about how important it is to do runner stretches – yet the scientific consensus increasingly suggests that pre-running stretches are worth it. At the very worst, spending just a few minutes doing before-run stretches won’t do any harm, while the potential improvements to performance and injury avoidance make stretching seriously appealing.

In this blog, we’ll explore everything you need to know about stretches for runners, including pre-running stretches, post-running stretches and other kinds of warm-ups.

What happens to your body when you stretch for running?

When you take a few minutes to do stretches for running, your body undergoes a number of changes:

  • Blood goes to your muscles

  • It lengthens any tight muscles which can reduce injury

  • It increases the range of motion in your joints

  • Post-running stretches can reduce soreness after your workout

Why is stretching important for running?

Taking the time to do stretches for running can bring you several benefits. These include:

  • When you stretch before a run you reduce the risk of injuries

  • Stretching before a run increases your range of motion and running economy - and that can improve your overall performance

  • Performing a pre-run stretch helps you to get your mind ready for a race

The do's and don'ts of stretching for running

Knowing how to stretch before running is very important. The following do's and don’ts for stretches before jogging will help you make the most of your stretching session.

Do’s for runners stretching

  • Combine both static and dynamic stretching

  • Perform stretches both after and before your run

  • Spend at least two minutes stretching

  • Perform stretches on several different muscle groups

  • Consider using foam rolling

Don’ts for runners’ stretches

  • Only focus on one or two muscle groups such as your quads

  • Stretch until it feels painful

  • Forget to stretch

  • Perform the same runners stretches each time you workout - mix it up

  • Only stretch before running or only stretch after running

  • Stretch your injuries

Stretching before a run

In this section, we will look at the importance of performing pre-running stretches, and then look at the best stretches before running.

Why you should stretch before running

As noted above, taking the time to stretch before a run provides several benefits. By stretching your muscles, you help with warming up and lengthening any tight muscles, thereby reducing your chances of injury.

The best stretches to do before running

Let's look at how to stretch before a run. Take the time to build the following pre-run stretches into your warming-up routine.

1. Standing Hip Controlled Articular Rotation (CAR)

  • Stand up straight

  • Lift your right leg in front of you, bending at the knee

  • Move your leg out to your right side

  • Twist your hip so the bottom half of your leg is facing backwards and is parallel to the ground

  • Gently twist the hip further back then bring your foot down to the ground again

  • Repeat on the other side

2. Lunge with a side bend

  • Get into a lunge position with your left knee on the ground and your right knee bent facing forward

  • Lift your torso up

  • Put your right fingertip to the ground then bend over to the right-hand side

  • Repeat on the other side

3. Standing Quad/Hip Flexor Stretch

  • Stand up straight

  • Grab the top of your left foot with your left arm, and bring the foot up towards your buttocks

  • Hold the stretch for around 15 seconds

  • Repeat with your right leg

4. Lateral squat stretch

  • Stand with your feet facing forward so they are wider apart than your hips and shoulders

  • Shift your weight onto your right foot and bend that knee so that your left leg becomes straight and you feel a stretch

  • Shift to the other side

5. Standing Dynamic Hamstring/Calf Stretch

  • Facing forward, stand with your left leg in front of the right

  • Place your hands on your hips

  • Bend your right leg and point your left foot upwards

  • Lean your torso forward and hold the stretch for 15 seconds

  • Repeat with the other leg

Stretching after a run

Taking some time to do stretches after a run can also be very beneficial. Post-run stretches will help with your recovery and reduce soreness the next day.

The best stretches to do after running

Here are some great stretches for runners which you can incorporate into your post-run routine.

1. Lying hamstring stretch with cord

  • Grab an elastic cord

  • Lie on your back with your legs fully extended

  • Lift one leg perpendicular to the ground with a slight bend in the knee

  • Loop the elastic cord around the sole of the foot and pull gently with your hands until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings

  • Hold the stretch for 30 seconds then repeat on the other side

2. Lying gluteal stretch against wall

  • Position yourself next to a wall with your back flat on the floor and your legs upwards against the wall

  • Bend your right leg at the knee and cross it over the front of your left thigh

  • Hold the stretch before repeating with the other leg

3. Groin stretch

  • Sit on the ground with your legs extended

  • Bend both legs and bring the soles of your feet together

  • Hold the stretch

4. Gastrocnemius (upper calf) stretch

  • Stand facing a wall and put your hands against it

  • Extend your left leg backwards about the distance of one stride

  • Bend with the right knee until you can feel a deep stretch along with the calf muscle of your left leg

  • Hold the stretch then repeat on the other side

5. Soleus (lower calf) stretch

  • Position yourself in the same way as with an upper calf stretch, with one foot a stride backwards

  • This time, however, bend both knees while leaning forward

  • Hold the stretch then repeat on the other side

6. Iliotibial band stretch

  • Stand close to a wall with your left  hip up against the surface

  • Cross your right leg over your left leg so they are both facing forward and parallel to the wall

  • Lean your upper body away from the wall until you feel a stretch then hold it

  • Turn around and repeat this stretch on the other side

7. Hip flexor stretch

  • Stand up straight

  • Grab the top of your left foot with your left arm, and bring the foot up towards your buttocks

  • Hold the stretch for around 15 seconds

  • Repeat with your right leg

Dynamic stretches for runners

Here are three simple dynamic stretches to perform before your workout.

1. Leg swings – side to side/back and forth

  • You can vary this stretch with front-to-back or side-to-side swings, and you’ll notice different muscles stretch while doing so.

  • Stand up straight

  • Balance on your left leg and swing the right leg back to front or side to side

  • Repeat for 10 to 15 seconds before changing legs

2. Lunges

  • Stand up straight

  • Make a big step forward with your left leg while bending the knee (make sure your bent knee remains directly above the ankle)

  • Stretch out your back leg before pushing up from the left leg to return to a standing position

  • Change legs

3. One-legged deadlift

  • Stand on your left leg, with the knee slightly bent

  • Gradually hinge forward so your torso and right leg make a horizontal line

  • Gradually return to upright before changing legs

Full body stretches for runners

Some of the best pre-run stretches and post-run stretches get your whole body moving. Try to incorporate some of these full-body stretches for runners into your routine.

1. Downward-facing dog

  • Get onto your hands and knees with your hands planted beneath your shoulders

  • Curl your toes then lift your legs up so they are straight

  • Your body should be in a triangle position

2. Lying spinal twist

  • Lie on your back with your legs fully extended

  • Bend your left knee and bring it up towards your chest and hold it there with your right hand

  • Gently pull your left knee across to the ground on the right-hand side while keeping your back as flat as possible

  • Hold then repeat on the other side

3. Forward-bend shoulder stretch

  • Stand up straight with a slight bend in your knees

  • Bring your arms behind your back and clasp your fingers together

  • Gradually bend forward from your torso so your head is looking backwards through your legs and your arms are stretched out above you

  • Hold then release

Stretches: a key part of your running routine

By performing stretches for runners you can improve your range of motion, flexibility, and running performance while also reducing your risk of injuries. 

Just as important as doing stretches for running, is using proper equipment. Discover ASICS’ full range of running shoes - we have running shoes specifically designed for men and women. And, if you need a hand finding the right shoe for you, then why not use our shoe finder page, which will help you in your decision-making process.