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We're inviting you to move and feel better.

In 2021, an independent trial proved that ASICS Movement for Mind delivered clinically significant improvements to people’s wellbeing, and a reduction in stress and anxiety
over just eight weeks.

We’re now looking to see how ASICS Movement for Mind improves wellbeing in a much larger, population-wide study. Thousands of people are being invited to join in, bringing a proven programme into the wider world and measuring its impact. 

We hope you’ll join us.

Please note, we are no longer accepting study sign-ups.

You are, however, welcome to follow our free ASICS Movement for Mind audio programme here.

If you’re responsible for workplace wellness and would like your company to be involved, we can help. Please click here to access a content package to encourage employees to sign up.

What is ASICS Movement for Mind?


ASICS Movement for Mind is a free audio movement and mindfulness programme, designed for all levels of fitness and experience. Follow sixteen 30-minute sessions over eight weeks, two per week in order, and see how much better you feel.


Guided by experts, full of variety and simple to follow, ASICS Movement for Mind is a perfect addition to your current exercise plan, or a great way to kick start something new. With options to run or walk, you set the pace. Just throw on your trainers and head outside.


You can learn all about the original trial, the ASICS Movement for Mind programme and our team of experts on the ASICS Movement for Mind webpage.

What are we doing now?

After completing the independent trial in 2021, we asked our lead researcher, Professor Brendon Stubbs, how we could best understand the impact of ASICS Movement for Mind in the wider population. To do that, he’s devised a simple, confidential study, based on an internationally-recognised wellbeing questionnaire. He’ll check your wellbeing at the beginning and end of the programme and see how it changes.

Watch Professor Stubbs and our head ASICS Movement for Mind coach, David Lenneman, explain more.

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Why should I take part?

Firstly, to have fun and feel good. 86% of people in the trial said they enjoyed ASICS Movement for Mind, and 78% would recommend it to a friend.

But by signing up, you’ll also be contributing to one of the largest studies of its kind, helping us to better understand the links between movement and wellbeing.

Feeling better and doing something important – it’s a perfect combination.

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Do you have any questions?

If you haven't taken part in something like this before, you may have a few questions. We’ve tried to answer as many of those as possible.

Listen anywhere, in a way that suits you.

ASICS Movement for Mind is now available on the Runkeeper app. 

(Click from your mobile)


Alternatively, you can access the programme on the following platforms:

Google Spotify iTunes Iono


[Study] Who is running the study?

Professor Brendon Stubbs of King's College London is in charge of this study. He’s one of the world’s leading researchers into movement and mental wellbeing. He was also responsible for the original randomised control trial of ASICS Movement for Mind in 2021. You can read all about that trial and Professor Stubbs here.

[Study] What information will you collect?

ASICS won't collect any data at all - the whole process is managed securely and independently by Professor Stubbs and his team. After you read and accept a brief consent message, he’ll collect your email address. Any email communication will be limited and directly related to the ASICS Movement for Mind programme and/or study. This will include a message from Professor Stubbs prompting you to complete a wellbeing survey, after finishing the ASICS Movement for Mind programme.

Professor Stubbs will also ask for your gender, age bracket and employment status. This information is optional but will help him to get a better picture of how the programme is working across a large number of people. He won’t, however, ask for your name. Once you’ve filled in these sections, you then complete your initial, baseline wellbeing survey, before starting the ASICS Movement for Mind programme.

Professor Stubbs and his team will be able to compare the results of the second wellbeing survey with those of the initial, baseline wellbeing survey. And then put the results in context of everyone who’s taken part.

[Study] Will my data be secure?

Your data will be held securely and confidentially in a database as part of a secure survey platform. Only our lead researcher, Professor Stubbs, and his team, can access this database.

All information will be collected, stored and processed in line with GDPR requirements.

[Study] What questions will I be asked in the survey?

Professor Stubbs is asking you to complete a very simple, proven and internationally-recognised wellbeing survey called the “Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale”. It asks you to rate how you’re feeling on a range of seven measures. The survey is used across the world to measure wellbeing and how it changes over time. The questions are simple and won’t take more than a few minutes to answer.

[Study] When should I complete the survey?

You should fill in the survey in your own time before starting the ASICS Movement for Mind programme. Anytime is fine, but Professor Stubbs will remind you to redo the survey eight weeks after you sign up, so it makes sense to complete it close to the day you begin the programme.

Please note, we are accepting study sign-ups until 31 January, 2024.

[Study] Will I get my results at the end?

We can’t provide individual results for everyone taking part, because we’re expecting a large number of people to get involved. However, your results will form part of the overall study, which will give a picture of how the ASICS Movement for Mind programme has impacted a big group of people. This is really important as we try to learn more about how movement can improve mental wellbeing throughout the population.

[Study] Can I invite a friend to join the study?

Absolutely. Simply direct people here and they can sign up to take part in the study. The more people involved, the better.

[Study] When will the results be announced?

There’s no fixed date on which we will announce the results – our priority is to get as many people as possible to sign up and complete the ASICS Movement for Mind programme. When Professor Stubbs is happy that there is enough meaningful data, then he can reveal his findings. And you should know that no one will be personally identified in the report.

[Study] Can I withdraw from the study?

Yes, you are free to stop taking part in the study at any time.  The study is voluntary.

[Study] Will I receive marketing materials from ASICS?

No. This study is not connected to our retail business. We’d love you to sign up for emails about ASICS products and events, and you can do that separately on the ASICS website.

Please note that the ASICS Movement for Mind team is unable to help you with questions about products or purchases. Head over to ASICS Customer Service here where the team will be happy to assist.

[Study] I just discovered the programme – is it too late to join the study?

No, definitely not. The more people we have following the programme, the better data we’ll have to evaluate how the programme works. As long as this survey is up and running, we’ll be collecting data for this important study.

[Study] Will I get free/discounted ASICS gear if I sign up to take part in the study?

No, we are not offering free/discounted ASICS products. However, you’ll be contributing to one of the largest studies of its kind, helping us to better understand the links between movement and wellbeing. And hopefully you'll enjoy the programme and feel good doing it

[Programme] When should I start the eight-week programme?

You can start the ASICS Movement for Mind programme after signing up, consenting to be involved and filling in your initial survey. After that, just pick a time that works for you.

[Programme] What happens if I miss a session?

Don’t worry. We recommend you try to do two sessions per week, but if you only manage one, or can’t do any, then just pick up the programme when you can. We recommend that you do follow it in order though, rather than jumping ahead, so just carry on where you left off.

[Programme] What if I can’t finish the programme in time?

We understand that life gets in the way. What’s most important is that you feel able to engage with and enjoy ASICS Movement for Mind. If it takes a little longer, just finish in your own time and then come back to complete your follow-up survey.

[Programme] Can I switch between walking and running?

Of course. If you don’t feel up for a run-based session, then switch to walking for the next one. It’s fine to swap between the two throughout the programme. You only need to complete each session once, though – no need to do the walk and run versions of a session (although of course you can if you want).

[Programme] Can I do more than two sessions per week?

Yes. If you particularly enjoy a session, feel free to repeat it. However, we encourage you to move through the programme so you get to experience all of the elements included. If you find favourites as you go, then they’re always available for you to return to for as long as you like.

[Programme] Where can I find the sessions?

ASICS Movement for Mind is available on Spotify, iTunes, Google Podcasts and Iono. Or you can access the sessions from the ASICS website here.

[Programme] Do I need to do the sessions in order?

Yes, try to follow the sessions in order. We developed ASICS Movement for Mind so each week builds on the last. The techniques you learn early on will be used throughout, so if you jump around, you may find that you’ve missed something important.

[Programme] Can I ask for help if I need it?

Because of the number of people taking part in the study, we can’t offer instant support to everyone. However, if there’s something you need to ask, you can always contact us at movementformind@asics.com, and we’ll do our best to help.

If you have any other questions, please contact the ASICS Movement for Mind team.